
26910 - 22243



Ώρες Λειτουργίας

Δευ- Τετ - Παρ: 10πμ - 6μμ Τρ - Πεμ 10-2πμ & 5-9μμ

Our diet program aims at restoring and maintaining the wished ideal body weight for each individual.
This is achieved through a program that combines diet regime together with slimming meant equipment familiar to our health and beauty specialists of KALLISTO SPA.
The slimming program includes:

  • Bimolecular analysis (that is fat amount present in the body) on the basis of which muscular mass, fat and detention of liquids are rated.
  • Record of medical – alimentary personal history for the definition of a personalized tailored made diet program based upon a daily caloric consumption needs.
  • Selection of the most appropriate equipment will be made according to your specific problematic area such as:
    • Total fat
    • Local fat
    • Cellulite
    • Muscular weakness